The Theft of Time
The greatest crime in all of this world is the theft of
The greatest hurt in all of this world comes with the
theft of time
The moments when I might see you grow have been stolen
The moments when I might see you smile have been stolen
The moments I might have been with you to brush away a tear
have been stolen too
The theft of those brief seconds to share
Time heals all wounds is what they say, but even that
time for healing is being stolen from us
Through no fault of yours our time together has been
stolen away
That time when I could show you my love
Every moment I miss you
Every moment you are in my thoughts
A greater hurt comes with the knowing that you get no
reminders of me
That I am but a dim and distant memory of the man who
once always made you laugh just playing with you on his knee
If you remember me at all
A greater hurt comes knowing that you don’t know me
The thieves of time know what they do
Deliberate pain is what they want to inflict
But in doing it they hurt you too
Denying the love for you they know is there
I wish, I hope, I dream, I pray, that there will come a time
when you can know me again
God willing
That time I know will be a time full of smiles
As we sit and talk and catch up on what we have missed
Until that time I will always be here
Although you are unaware, so much love, so much care, so
much pride is waiting
I will always be here for you
From the heart